This document is part of a series about Randall "Duke" Cunningham's attempted murder / suicide on November 25th, 2005

Home page for "Cunningham's Last Battle" web site / Contact the author / victim / witness Russell 'Ace' Hoffman

To: <>
Subject: RE: Sunrise Power Link; San Onofre Highway

And you're entitled to your friction, and your fiction...

At 01:39 PM 10/1/2007 -0700, <> wrote:

You're entitled to your theories  ... Best, Logan

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell 'Ace' Hoffman []
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 1:30 PM
To: Jenkins, Logan
Subject: Sunrise Power Link; San Onofre Highway

October 1st, 2007

Mr. Jenkins,

While waiting to have my Honda Passport worked on, I read your SD UT commentary today.

This letter is just to inform you that the real purpose of the Sunrise Power Link is to bring Palo Verde's nuclear power to San Onofre as emergency backup, and vice-versa.  The couple of dozen wind turbines along the route are just for looks -- to look disgusting, blocking the pretty mountaintop views (I think they look beautiful, myself, but then, I compare them to what radiation-poisoned deformed and suffering babies look like).

And the San Onofre Highway is just to move nuclear waste from San Onofre to Yucca Mountain without having it go through Los Angeles, and thus too close to Hollywood, where actors might make a very public stink about it.  (Not that I think Yucca Mountain will ever be completed, but the NRC and the nuclear industry still believe it.)

Of course, there's not a snowball's chance in a reactor core you'll believe me about either of these facts, but if you'd look fairly at the available information, you wouldn't need to believe me, because under careful scrutiny, it's obvious.



P.S. I've posted nearly 50 Cunningham documents at a new web site, including my previous letters to you after your phony interview with me last year (phony, because your paper never had any intention of running a story, did they?). Here's the URL: